Why preserve St. Louis media?

Sharing our collective memories and honoring media professionals

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The St. Louis Media History Foundation’s board of volunteers includes broadcast, marketing, and communication professionals who share a passion for preserving, archiving, and promoting the rich history of St. Louis media.

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Celebrating the contributions of men and women who came before us is the primary purpose of the Foundations. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) established in 2010. We research and compile St. Louis media artifacts and memorabilia.

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With archives available for researchers, educators, media professionals, and the general public, the St. Louis Media History Foundation helps preserve the legacy of our media memories for generations to come.

The St. Louis Media History Foundation accepts financial and historical contributions to aid in its mission. If you have materials you would like to donate or if you’d like to provide an oral history, please contact us.

The Latest from our Archives

Here's how your donations help preserve St. Louis media history

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Find us in the Grand Center Arts District

The Marcelle Building
3310 Samuel Shepard Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63103

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St. Louis Media History Foundation

Office hours by appointment

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